Exploring MVC 6

by Friday, March 04, 2016
As most of you already know that ASP.NET 5 is now official named as .NET Core 1.0 and ASP.NET Core 1.0 for details you can read the Scott Hanselman blog. So I decided to take you on tour of ASP.NET core 1.0 and to discuss each feature of it, in more developer manner, which will be more on MVC 6 project structure.

vNext and ASP.NET 5, Microsoft's OpenSource and Cross-Platform technology.

by Wednesday, January 13, 2016
vNext (ASP.NET 5) is Microsoft's new platform that is opensource and cross platform. which means you can change code according to your needs, distribute it and run on any platform as you like (Windows, MacOs or Linux). Microsoft has been working on this stuff for quite a long time and now it is very near of first release in this quarter of the year (Q1 2016). Currently vNext/ASP.NET 5 is in Release Candidate Update 1.

A basic guide to RESTful Web Service Using Web API 2

by Monday, August 17, 2015
Its being long time after my last post, I hope you people missed me. I am writing this tutorial especially for my newbies programming students, who wants to know the basics of Web service as well as some tutorials to kick start with their Projects. Before starting tutorial I would first like to take you on background tour of web service and the importance of the web service in today's world. As we all know, we are in an era in which everything

Creating Simple CRUD (Create Retrieve Update Delete) MVC Application Through Model

by Thursday, January 02, 2014
For beginners, CRUD Applications are the applications that uses 4 operations for manipulating data. Those 4 operations are Inserting data, Retrieving data, Editing data and Deleting data. You can also find these commands in Databases such as Select, Insert, Delete and Update. To follow the drill, First Create a New MVC 4 internet Project, "CrudMvcApp". Now goto Models Folder in Solution Explorer, Right Click , goto add Class and name it "Restaurant.cs" and add the following Code.

Jump Start MVC 4

by Wednesday, May 29, 2013
This is 3rd post of my MVC series that discuss fundamental concepts of MVC with Jumpstart drill. Model-View-Controller (MVC) is basically a software architecture pattern which  comprises of 3 Tiers, each tier have different functionality. Controller is a main tier of MVC architecture that responsible for collecting request and responding to request. Model is a tier that responsible for validating data structure at database end as well as on the User Interface. While View is front end of MVC application in which data is

Implementing Data Annotation with Entity Framework

by Wednesday, May 01, 2013
This post is a second part of the MVC 4 series that discusses implementation of Data Annotation. Before proceeding to the drill, I would first like explain, what Data Annotation  is and used for. Data annotation is a set of classes that used with data models to define data in form of attributes. Data annotation attributes can be categories into 3 types. 1) Validation Attributes 2) Display Attributes 3) Modelling Attributes Validation Attributes Validation attributes are the attributes that are use for validating data,

Entity Framework 5: Code First Approach

by Sunday, March 24, 2013
This is my first article of MVC 4 Development series, which is based on basic guidance of implementation of the code first approach, initially this project is build on Console Application to avoid complexities for the starters. Before starting the drill, I would first like to tell you that all of my example will base on Restaurant Management System and i will try to keep this example consistent through out this series. Following is an ERD of the system, I hope the naming conventions are self explanatory to